Victoria fundraiser for construction of a permanent building for our Women’s Safe House. From left: CLN Advisor Bill Winfield, CLN Co-Founders Nancy Porten and Deana Zabaldo, Nepal Director Parshu Dahal, ABIN Founder Rob Tournour, ABIN Board Members Craig Fulton and...
Safe House Founding Members
Deep gratitude to EVERYONE who has generously donated to bring the vision of Samridhi Ghar to life, and especially to the Safe House Founding Members who each donated $1000 in Year 1 and ensured the project could launch successfully. We’re honored by your support and...
New Women’s Safe House Opens!
The Women's Safe House is OPEN! Dear Donors & Friends, We are brimming with good news and excited to share it!! Our Women’s Safe House opened this month in the remote mountains of Nepal. Serving a region of 158,000 people, Samridhi Ghar (House of Prosperity)...
Our Supporters- A Spotlight
Happy Holidays! We couldn’t be raising children, building schools, planting almond trees, and growing coffee without the donations that each and every one of you provide. In the spirit of the season, we want to offer our appreciation and gratitude to each and every...
Celebrating CLN 9th Anniversary!
Wishing you an inspiring start to 2017! Deana in San Francisco, Nancy in Lake Tahoe, and Jen in Colorado with her husband Erik and new baby girl! We are proud to be celebrating Changing Lives Nepal 9th anniversary this January! Our hearts are filled with...
Positive Transformation In Nepal
Our donors are an amazing community of people who have felt a personal connection to the destruction caused by Nepal’s 7.8 earthquake last year, and also to the magic of Nepal’s culture and the warmth of its people. Last April, you joined us in our...
Design: Misha Gehring
Photos: Deana Zabaldo
Changing Lives Nepal © 2022