
We ensure your donations go directly to our projects in Nepal.

Our U.S. leadership team is 100% volunteer so that your donation reaches the people who need your help. Join us in changing lives across Nepal!
All donations are tax deductible. We collect your information for tax records and annual project updates. We never sell or share any of your information. Thank you for your support!
You will now be redirected to PayPal and can pay with a credit card or balance. You will see FJC on the PayPal receipt.
Changing Lives Nepal is a fund held under FJC (Foundation of Philanthropic Funds, our 501(c)3 fiscal sponsor) and your donation is tax deductible in the U.S. 
Tax Receipt for Your Gift

  • For contributions of $250 or more, a letter will be automatically mailed to your address.
  • For contributions under $250, your Paypal receipt or cancelled check is sufficient for US tax purposes. Please contact us if you want to request a tax substantiation letter for a donation less than $250, and we are happy to provide that.

For check or wire transfer information, please contact us.

Design: Misha Gehring

Photos: Deana Zabaldo

Changing Lives Nepal © 2022